TUESday 17TH MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
THURSday 19TH MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
friday 20TH MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
MONday 23RD MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
tuesday 24th MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
wednesday 25th MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
thursday 26th MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
friday 27th MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
monday 3OTH MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
tuesday 31st MARCH 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
wednesday 1st april 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
thursday 2nd april 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
FRIDAY 3Rd april 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
MONDAY 20TH april 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
tuesDAY 21st april 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
wednesDAY 22nd april 2020
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.
Please click on your child's class to access the activities, links and instructions.